How to Meal Prep for Travel and Stay Full for Long

how to meal prep for travel

Imagine reaching your destination after a lengthy flight or road trip without the need to stress about finding suitable dining choices. Your prepared meals are ready for you, saving you valuable time and energy. This convenience can be a game-changer, particularly when you're exhausted and crave a prompt, gratifying meal. Here are some practical tips to keep you fueled while exploring new destinations.

The Benefits of Meal Prepping for Travel

Preparing meals in advance before going on a trip offers numerous benefits. Primarily, it can help you save a substantial amount of money as opposed to dining out for every meal. Eating at restaurants while traveling can be expensive, especially in popular tourist destinations. By meal prepping, you can designate a specific food budget and maximize its value.

Planning your meals grants you the ability to control the ingredients you consume. This facilitates adherence to a nutritious diet and accommodates dietary limitations. For those people with allergies or specific dietary requirements, meal prepping guarantees the accessibility of safe and appropriate food choices.

In case you want to maintain your dietary goals without the hassle of cooking before embarking on a trip, no worries, Ideal Nutrition has your back. Our healthy meal delivery service offers a diverse menu, including keto, vegan, paleo, and gluten-free meals, providing a convenient solution for travelers who don’t want to sacrifice their nutrition goals while on the go. 

Environmental sustainability is also encouraged by minimizing single-use packaging waste. Disposable containers, cutlery, and takeout packaging significantly contribute to environmental pollution. By using reusable containers for your prepped meals, you can actively contribute to waste reduction while relishing your journeys.

meal preps ready to travel

Choosing the Right Meals for Travel

Consider Dietary Restrictions and Preferences

If you have any dietary limitations or particular preferences (such as being vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free), make sure to plan your meals accordingly. Take the time to research local cuisines that cater to your dietary needs or select meals that can easily accommodate them.

Opt for Balanced Nutrient-Dense Meals

Consider goods that offer a well-rounded mix of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) along with a diverse range of essential vitamins and minerals. Balanced meals contribute to sustained energy levels and keep you feeling full.

Portable and Non-Perishable Options

Choose meals that are convenient for transportation and don't need refrigeration or heating. This is especially crucial when traveling to remote locations or embarking on long journeys where food availability might be restricted.

The Guide to Planning and Preparation

Start by making up a personalized meal plan that aligns with your travel schedule. Take into account the length of your trip, the number of days you'll be away, and any special occasions or dining experiences you wish to incorporate.

After completing your menu, make a comprehensive shopping list. Check your kitchen inventory to ensure no ingredients are overlooked. A well-structured list will simplify your shopping experience.

Allocate specific time for cooking and preparing your meals. Depending on how busy you are, opt to meal prep for a few days or a week prior to your journey. Ensure you have ample time to cook, cool, and pack your meals securely.

Invest in quality, hermetically sealed containers for your prepped meals. Ensure to label each container with the date of preparation to easily control freshness. When freezing meals, opt for freezer-safe bags or containers to prevent freezer burn.

Useful Meal Prepping Techniques for Travel

  • Prepare generous amounts of your preferred meals and divide them into convenient, travel-ready containers. This method streamlines the meal-packing process while guaranteeing appropriate portion sizes.
  • Vacuum sealing is a highly effective technique for maintaining the quality of your prepared goods, particularly when embarking on extended journeys. By eliminating air from the containers, it safeguards against oxidation and freezer burn, ensuring the freshness of your food remains intact.
  • If your travel requires extended periods without access to refrigeration, freezing meals can be extremely helpful. Dishes such as soups, stews, and casseroles tend to freeze flawlessly and can be easily reheated whenever necessary.
travel meal prep in black container

Travel-Friendly Meal Prep Ideas

Breakfast Ideas

  1. Breakfast burritos: Prepare a delicious breakfast by filling whole-grain tortillas with scrambled eggs, sautéed vegetables, and a light sprinkle of cheese. Roll them up and wrap in foil for a convenient and portable morning meal.
  2. Overnight oats: Create single servings of overnight oats by mixing together rolled oats, milk or yogurt, and your preferred toppings like berries, nuts, and honey. Store these in mason jars or reusable containers.
  3. Homemade granola bars: Make your own homemade granola bars by combining oats, nuts, dried fruits, and a binding agent such as honey or nut butter. Cut them into bars and individually wrap for a comfy morning energy boost.

Lunch and Dinner Options

  1. Salad jars: Create salads in jars by layering the ingredients. Begin with the dressing at the base, followed by proteins such as grilled chicken or tofu, vegetables, and greens. When ready to consume, shake the jar to evenly distribute the dressing.
  2. Wraps and sandwiches: Wraps and sandwiches provide a multitude of options. Stuff whole-grain wraps or bread with a range of fillings like lean proteins (turkey, roast beef), avocado, hummus, and fresh vegetables.
  3. Hot meals in thermos containers: Fill the thermos with soups, stews, or even pasta dishes. These containers effectively retain heat, keeping your meals warm and ready to savor.
  4. Pasta or grain-based salads: Cook pasta or grain-based salads using ingredients such as quinoa, chickpeas, roasted veggies, and vinaigrette dressing. Such salads are both gratifying and convenient for a substantial meal.

Snacks to Keep You Energized

  1. Trail mix: Create a unique trail mix by blending together various nuts, dried fruits, and seeds. Personalize it to suit your preferences with ingredients such as almonds, cashews, dried cranberries, and pumpkin seeds.
  2. Fresh fruit and vegetable sticks: Cut fresh fruits like apples and carrots into sticks and pack them with a small container of dip, like yogurt or hummus. These snacks offer a crisp and refreshing bite.
  3. Homemade protein bars or energy bites: Make your own protein bars or energy bites using ingredients such as rolled oats, protein powder, nut butter, and honey. These homemade snacks are not only delicious but also easily customizable according to your dietary needs.

seniors eating meal prep while traveling

Hydration on the Go

Besides nourishment, maintaining proper hydration is crucial while traveling. It is not only beneficial for appetite control, but it also enhances alertness and optimizes your well-being during new adventures. Here are some tips to guarantee your hydration levels stay optimal:

  • Invest in a quality and reusable water bottle that can be refilled during your travels. Numerous airports and travel destinations provide water fountains or hydration stations.
  • It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of travel and forget to consume enough liquids. To ensure you drink enough water, consider setting reminders on your phone to consistently sip water throughout the day, particularly in hot or dry environments.
  • When venturing into outdoor activities, consider using a hydration pack. Such a convenient wearable water container allows for on-the-go hydration, whether you're engaged in hiking, cycling, or exploration.

Meal Prep Safety and Food Handling

Ensuring meal prep safety is of utmost importance when it comes to the prolonged transporting of food while traveling. Here are some essential guidelines to guarantee food safety:

  1. Store perishable goods at appropriate temperatures. During transportation, use insulated bags or coolers equipped with ice packs to maintain optimal conditions for temperature control.
  2. Ensure solid food handling hygiene practices by thoroughly washing hands, utensils, and cutting boards. Split up raw meat and poultry with ready-to-eat foods to prevent any potential contamination.
  3. If you plan to reheat your meal prep while traveling, ensure that you can use a microwave, stovetop, or other appropriate heating methods. Follow the reheating instructions diligently to guarantee that the food reaches a safe temperature.
  4. Get a food thermometer at hand to confirm that reheated meals reach the correct internal temperature required to eliminate bacteria.
  5. When uncertain about the safety of a meal, it's better to discard it than risk foodborne illnesses.


Meal prepping for travel is a wise and convenient way to ensure you remain fueled, nourished, and in good health while exploring the world. By thoughtfully organizing your meals, selecting appropriate ingredients, and employing effective meal prep techniques, you can relish delicious meal preps on your journey. Remember to stay hydrated and opt for nutrient-rich choices that provide sustained energy throughout your adventure. With a little preparation, you can enhance your travel experience, making it more fulfilling and stress-free. Wishing you happy and healthy travels!